How to Choose Paint Colors for your house interior

So, you bought a new home or you’re tossing out everything you own and starting from scratch, all new. Yay! or Yikes? Choosing paint colors for an entire home can be daunting. Chances are you’re on some kind of schedule and can’t dilly dally or procrastinate choosing your paint colors. You need a method to choose the paint colors for your home which is sensible and fool proof. Here it is! How to choose paint colors for your home. Let’s start with some don’ts. Do not rely on a color combination created by a paint company in one of their “helpful” inspirational brochures or on-line.… Continue reading...

10 Paint Color Mistakes We’re All Guilty of?

Well not all of us make color mistakes! Elle Decor reached out to interior paint color expert Amy Krane to find out what common color mistakes people make when choosing paint colors. Find out what they are and how to avoid them here at It’s easier and easier to educate yourself about using color in the build world these days. There are so many online advice columns, online magazines and blogs to help you along the way not to mention the millions of photos you can study on Pinterest and Houzz. Paint color mistakes don’t have to happen to you.  Listening to my podcast Let’s Talk (paint) Color you’ll hear tons of color advice to help you on your way.… Continue reading...